
Some useful reference material:


The Hazel Dormouse: Muscardinus avellanarius
By Rimvydas Juskaitis and Sven Büchner
ISBN: 9783894322595


Hazel Dormouse Factsheet PTES leaflet.
Dormouse Monitor
PTES newsletter published twice a year containing news and articles concerning dormouse conservation.
Index of Papers PTES list of one-page summaries on 100 scientific papers looking into the practical conservation of the hazel dormouse.
Greenboot Ian White’s Dormouse Blog. Ian is the Dormouse Officer for PTES.
Dormouse Conservation Handbook (IN29) Natural England publication.
The Dormouse Reintroduction Programme: A review (NECR144) Natural England review to help identify the best approach to the long term conservation of dormice.
Cheshire Dormouse Project Early history.
The Dormouse by Lorna Griffiths Beautifully crafted and informative on-line presentation.
Climate, landscape, habitat, and woodland management associations with hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius population status Academic research paper published in June 2018.